Monday, October 13, 2008

1 and 1 make 2, 2 and 1 make 3.

My vacation was wonderful.
I left about a month after my last post, and got back almost 2 weeks ago now. I am really slack when it comes to keeping things updated. Since the last post, my kitty passed away. He was my favourite thing in the world. I always loved when he purred and rubbed his face against mine. He was, esentially, my bestfriend. He'd always be there to listen, even though he couldn't respond. Death, however, is a part of life and I had to accept it was his time to go. It's still sad when I think about it, but he had a long and good life with us. We miss him.

I went to Toronto, on the 19th of September. I was supposed to come home on the 29th, but my plane was cancelled due to some huge hurricane that Saint John was supposed to get hit by, but never actually got any of haha. I'm definitely not complaining though, because that just meant three more days without work or the crap that Saint John houses. While I was there a couple of my favourite outings included, going to the mall (their mall is massive compared to ours), going to see Cryptopsy and Norther ( my new favourite band), going to the zoo, Wonderland, walking around downtown and getting to ride all the different types of transportation. Not to mention, it was my first time being on a plane, too!

Anyway, for now I believe I might go watch some of my favourite show - Dexter. My god, it's amazing haha.