Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I was meant for chasing dreams.

I think it's time for a vacation. I don't mean one of those 3 day weekend things, I mean... Toronto for a week or two. Yeah. I think that will work out nicely. I was talking with my Godmother and she says that plane tickets aren't that expensive either so I could afford it if I saved up for a couple of weeks.

Anyway, I had a good day off, didn't do anything, but it was nice to be able to sit around and not do anything. I'd be at work right now if it were a normal day. I'm back in on Thursday night right until Sunday night a again. Great. Good tips though and on that shift, that's what is important.

Josh is coming down soon, I do believe. Should be fun. Other than that I guess there really isn't anything else going on.

Music : Prodigy - Firestarter.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Seasons Change, But People Don't

Well it has been well over a month, and I suppose a lot hasn't really happened, but at the same time - I guess a lot has.

Reason why it has been so long since my last post is because I was basically shunned from the world and blocked via password off of the computer. I guess it was because I wasn't helping out around the house or some shit like that. Mom, Nannie, and Rick hadn't been talking to me since before I graduated, so I wasn't sure what was going on at all.

I guess some highlights of the summer so far have included :
1. Working. That isn't really a highlight perse, but I have been doing a lot of it so it has to go in the list somewhere. Since it is probably what I have done the most of, it's number 1. I just gained full time hours and have started working the graveyard shift, which really isn't so bad. I get a lot more tips than on a normal shift and I get to just hang around.

2. Parties. Not so much anymore because of an unfortunate event, but I made it out to a few and had a good time when applicable. More notably, I would have to say Nathan's annual get together was pretty darn fun. Sucks that we don't get to hang out so much anymore, ( The whole crew ), so when there is something like that it always ends up good.

3. Movies/Mall time. I have gone to quite a few movies, one of which I went to with Nate, Shanna, Josh and Creature. Josh was here for a week or so before Nate's party, so we hung out a bunch, which brought back old memories. Creature and I chilled a bunch over the course of the summer.

4. Misc. This includes the random hangouts with people, going to Arby's for the first time, sleeping in late almost everyday, watching Whose Line? every night ( which isn't on tv anymore), making new friends and spending time with them, seeing old friends, going shopping and most importantly rehearsing for and performing Bang Bang, You're Dead! again at the Imperial Theatre with Theatre on the Edge's Boundry Breaking Youth Theatre. What an amazing feeling it was to get to do it again. We haven't had the cast party yet, but I know that will make the list, too.

I guess that about sums up what has gone down... not much.