Friday, May 16, 2008

There She Goes Again...

Funny how much can really happen in a month and you never really realize it.
I have grown quite a bit in this last month and am pleased to say that I am, probably, happier than I have been in a long time. Things seem to be going relatively well on a lot of different aspects of my life.

I had been working very hard on a play, for Drama Festival, called Bang, Bang You're Dead. I had seen the movie a couple of years ago, based around the play, and immediately fell in love with the whole notion of it. It is out there for students to perform to get the point across about school violence and just how common it is. When I heard that one of the plays our school would be bringing to Drama Fest was that one, I was even more excited to be audtioning. I made the cut and was cast in that play, to my delight. We had a student director, directing for his first time, which made us all a little skeptical and as unfortunate it is to say, less than hopeful that the whole thing would pan out. In the end, with rehearsals every day basically and countless hours of running lines, hoping we'd at least be able to present something we'd be slightly proud of, we came out on top at Drama Fest. None of us were the least bit surprised. We all gained a lot of experience and respect for each other and of course, Andrew, our director. We became so close over that while and Drama Fest was amazing. We won 9 awards, not to mention Andrew won the Alvin Show award , for the student with the most professional potential. I am proud of us all. Drama Fest has always been one of my favourite times of the year, if not the favourite. I met a lot of amazing people from Hampton and Sussex this year, so I hope that those friendships continue on. The thing with an event like that is that we all have that common ground, we all know what it is like to step out on that stage for the first time, in front of people your age and being scared beyond belief. Also, we know that we can always trust that everyone around us will congratulate us and support us for at least doing our best out there, even if it isn't what everyone thinks is the best. It is such a great feeling. I can't wait to perform our play again next week :).

Aside from the unbelievable time at Drama Festival (and all the time spent on it) - I haven't been doing a whole lot. School is starting to crack down - two weeks of classes left and then we all gear up for exams, joy. I am starting to get really nervous about University life and what it's going to be like, I really wish I was staying in Saint John, it might be a lot easier to adjust to.

Andrew (not the same as the one mentioned earlier) and I have become very close. I had only known him as Stoopid and saw him around, but after hanging out with him for quite sometime I have grown to like him very much. He makes me feel like no one else has in a long time and I am always happy when I am around him, it's like he doesn't know how to do anything wrong. Not that guys ever do things wrong on purpose, but he doesn't say anything wrong or anything, it's kind of crazy. He ususally isn't one for relationships, I hear, but we are "dating" now and things seem to be heading in the direction of a full relationship. Kaitlin and I had a fairly monumental fight over this happening. She liked him and I liked him and this and that... Which brings us to where we are now and Kaitlin is no longer mad at me - we're all good. Makes me sad when we fight anyway, so I am very glad we worked things out. It was no one persons fault though, we both said things we didn't mean.

Movies seen lately : Iron Man, Diary of the Dead.
Iron Man was incredible. I didn't know if I would like it as much as I did, but man.. Very good. Robert Downey Jr. was the best possible man to play the part and he added the right amount of sarcasm and comedy to the character. I would recommend it 100 times over.
I am actually taking a break from watching Diary of the Dead right now, so far it is really well done. I believe it had a very low budget and the movie follows along the same style as Cloverfield, because it is filmed using a handheld camera at most times. It's a zombie flick, so if you are into that, I think I would recommend it.

Shows seen lately: Farewell to Freeway, Shotgun Rules, Cancer Bats, 3 Mile Scream and most recent - The Mahones, last night.
All of which were great. I do not think it is possible for a show goer like me to have a bad time at a show. The Mahones were fantastic, Irish Punk. I cannot stop listening to them and have been telling everyone I talk to to download them, go out to a show or just do anything to hear them. Great band!

Anyway, this is enough for now :).

No music, just movie.

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