Saturday, June 21, 2008

I have received a high school education.

So, I graduated last night. June 20 was the beginning of the rest of my life and the ending of a chapter I wish I could rewrite and edit several times over before calling it a finished product, but since I can't do that I guess I will just have to publish it anyway and hope that someone reads it someday. I know that I can't go back and change anything that I did, or didn't do, so I am going to sit around and ponder what I did and thing about the pros, cons, consequences and rewards I received.

I guess you could say it's over. I won't ever see half of the people that I spend my high school years with. On one side of the coin that is a huge relief. I can't even believe that I hung out with some of the people I did, or that I even called them friends. But like anything, there is another angle, and I know I will miss those friends that I had that were real friends. I suppose if they are just that, I will stay in touch with them, but upon Graduation everyone says, " Oh, we'll stay in touch. We'll hang out lots in the summer. I'll call you. " (We all know that never happens.) I guess we're all heading for bigger and better things. At least I hope that's what happens after high school.

Last night was 3 hours of torture, an hour of helplessness and 6 hours of all-night fun. The ceremony was long, tiring and hot. The reception that followed would have been wonderful had my family showed up to it. If anyone reading this knew what my family was like, they would understand. To any onlookers that would seem like a very mean and thoughtless thing to do, and it was.... but of course, like any situation it is the teenager that is at fault, so it is all my doing that created a bad night for myself. Safe grad ensued after the reception, and after a little bit of crying I got over it and had a great time. We went to see a screening of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and then bowling. Amazing night.

Anyway, for now I am going to go make a card for my good friend Leighsal. She deserves a nice one. :)

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